Programmes > Cambala Investigation Agency (C.I.A.)

CIA and the Mystery of the Bank Robbery


The co-operative bank in Cambala has just had an incident of daring day-light robbery. The town police swings into action, and within a week nabs the robbers. It does not make sense, though. The robbers rob the bank, and instead of getting away from the town, decide to wait it out at their hideout in a run-down warehouse. While the town police are basking in their new-found glory, the kids find it all very strange. The shabby execution by the robbers, and then very easily getting caught sitting over the catch… it’s all very convenient. The CIA investigates, and rightly so. The small-time, shabbily-executed robbery is a cover up mission for a more covert operation – a bigger robbery at the same bank! The CIA follows the leads and foils the great bank robbery.







Production Country

United States

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