Programmes > Cambala Investigation Agency (C.I.A.)

Mystery of the Ghost Who Walks


A spooky incident reported one night at Cambala hospital has left everyone terrified. The attendant – Bhola tells everyone that one of the dead bodies in the morgue is missing, and the next morning it is found in the store room of the hospital. This is the same dead body of the dreaded criminal Kartoos Kalia! The same night there’s news of a house break where the entire house has been ransacked but nothing has been stolen. It seems like the dead man had walked all the way to the house to ransack it, but stolen nothing! The same attack is repeated in another house another night when again the body has gone missing. Both the cases seemed to be connected at least in terms of motive & the criminal. How is the ghost walking out in the dead of the night and why?? The CIA must overcome all fears of the supernatural to find out.







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United States

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