Programmes > Cambala Investigation Agency (C.I.A.)

CIA and the Mystery of the Haunted House


Story Plot: Rosewood Manor, an old abandoned house, was gifted by a man to his grand-daughter before his death. When she first arrives at the Manor, she hears and sees ghostly figures that convince her that the house is haunted. She seeks the help of the CIA who go there to investigate and are horrified to see that the place is truly haunted... The CIA begin to investigate... the haunted house ... the odd old man who stays in the house next door who keeps warning the CIA to stay away from the house... and the woman’s suspicious boyfriend who is trying to get her to sell off the house... it’s all a big unrelated jumble ... till the CIA comes across a clue that makes it all add up and they realize that it’s all a cover up for carrying out a counterfeit currency racket inside Rosewood Manor.







Production Country

United States

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