Programmes > Cambala Investigation Agency (C.I.A.)

CIA and the Mystery of the Movie Shoot


Story Plot: A movie shoot unit arrives in Cambala. As the unit arrives and the shooting begins a light hanging from the top comes down to a resounding crash just inches away from the hero Imran’s head... everyone calls it an ‘accident’. The next day another accident happens and then another... all targeted at Imran! The CIA meet Imran and take him away while the shooting of other scenes continue... but the ‘accidents’ still continue... so the target wasn’t Imran! Then who could it be? And why these accidents? The CIA crack the clues to find out that the least expected of all... the Producer of the film was trying to stop his own film shoot! He’d squandered the money for the shoot, was penniless, and thought he had a plan whereby he would receive a hefty sum as insurance, but the CIA got in his way!







Production Country

United States

Production Year


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